The system would help human resource department to perform data correction efficiency,
easy to access data and analyze report to consider and decision in the human resource
management such as KPI, goal, employee skills and potential of employees. |
Made aware of strengths and weaknesses of employees. To be used in the development
of employee performance.
As a criterion in determining the compensation of salary, bonus or other promotion,
any transfer.
As the information to develop and training in organization.
Use to indicate of employee recruitment efficiency.
Build standards and transparency of appraisal system, reduce prejudice, unfair and
bias in evaluation.
Create incentives for employees to work. Motivate staff within the development itself.
To indicate more clearly the behavior of employees.
Motivate quality staffs to remain with the organization and use information from
evaluation system to improve the poor staff.
Define the direction in the management of an organization's overall mission, strategy
and targets concretely.
Encourage dialogue and exchange. Comment. Between employees and supervisors.